
Vata is dry, cold, light, mobile, subtle and clear. Those who are Vata predominant tend toward anxiety, gas/bloating; constipation, poor sleep and are often underweight and undernourished. They are creative and easily influenced by their surroundings. They typically have weak digestion and should avoid beans and raw food.

In winter, Vata and Kapha dosha dominate. This means that all of us are more prone to Vata imbalances like dry skin and constipation, as well as, Kapha imbalances such as congestion and weight gain. This is especially true for those with a Vata or Kapha body type.


recommended vata smoothie ingredients:

Almonds, Ginger, Blue Berry, Vanilla, Almond Mylk, Cilantro

As you know by now, all of us at juice basin care about your health and wellbeing. For that reason, we also wanted to remind you once more that the quizzes and all other content contained herein are for educational purposes only and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified healthcare professional immediately.